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The following NCEs have contributed to the development of the Forum:
Les RCE suivants ont contribué au développement du Forum : GRAND, AGE-WELL, GlycoNet, CFN

Public Visualizations

From IDeaS Forum

Public Visualizations

This visualization shows the relations between projects. Each chord represents a person who is in both projects.

  • Using the date slider allows the chart to only show projects from the specified year. This is useful to see the evolution of the network.
  • To change how the projects are sorted/coloured, select one of the options in the 'Sorting Options'.

You can also highlight an individual project or theme either by hovering over the outer wedge in the chart, or by hovering over the sorting category in the legend.

This visualization shows which projects are in each theme. Click on a theme or project to take you to its page.



This visualization shows how the network is connected. The nodes are NI in the network, and the edges are the different types of relations (ie. Projects, Co-Authors, Relationships). The edges can be filtered using the checkboxes on the right. Hover over the edges or nodes to see more information about them.

This tree map shows the distribution of people and projects within themes. Each level represents a different entity:

  • Themes
    • Projects
      • People

Click to go down a level. Once at the lowest level, click again to return to the top level.

This tree map shows the distribution of people in institutions. Each level represents a different entity:

  • Provinces
    • Institutions
      • People

Click to go down a level. Once at the lowest level, click again to return to the top level.

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This visualization shows the most used keywords in the project descriptions. The more times the word is used, the larger it appears in the tag cloud. Click a word to show the projects that contain that word in its title or description.